Profit is a measure of a business's performance but is not the only goal that Ong Tho Rice pursues. Accompanying to solve social problems and contributing to building a better living environment i
"Black Swan" is the name farmers gave Covid-19 because it caused a crisis in the supply chain, leading to a stagnation of agricultural products in the Western provinces. Ong Tho Rice Joint S
(CPV) - Profit is a measure of business performance but is not the only goal that Ong Tho Rice pursues. Accompanying to solve social problems and contributing to building a better living environment i
GẠO ÔNG THỌ là một trong những doanh nghiệp được Tổ chức UNDP (Chương trình phát triển Liên hiệp quốc) công nhận và lựa chọn nhận gói hỗ trợ doanh